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Our Vision & Strategy

In February 2021, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. announced our new growth strategy, “TOP I 2030”, to support the realisation of our envisioned future.

Envisioned Future

Become a top innovator for advanced and sustainable patient-centric healthcare, powered by our unique strength in science and technology and the alliance with Roche.

“TOP” expresses our aspiration to become “the world’s top innovator, not just in Japan.” The “I” has two meanings: in addition to “innovator,” it also expresses that “people” are the driving force behind value creation; each and every member of the Chugai Group plays an important role in our efforts to realise TOP I 2030.

Becoming A Top Innovator By 2030

The TOP I 2030 ambition of Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is underpinned by Digital Technology, Research and Early Development, and Open Innovation. In Europe, each member of our team contributes towards these core pillars through our regional activities. Our Development and Study Management teams support early-stage research into new therapies, our Innovation team actively scout the European ecosystem to identify new trends in digital health, and across the region we seek to adopt an innovative approach that maximises business efficiency. Through this internal mindset our team continually seek to challenge the norm and find partnerships that enhance our capabilities, helping us to foster innovation for the benefit of patients.

TOP I 2030 is built upon core Global Reforms and Growth Drivers, some of which we focus on in Europe, for example:

Our team have a unique role in Europe to support Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to become a top innovator.

C-GB-00000895 | Date of Preparation: November 2023

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